
Solihull private client lawyer named as a UK rising star

September 24, 2014

Peter Gate, an Associate at Solihull-based specialist private client law firm Meridian Private Client LLP has been named as one of the UK’s top private client advisers under 35 years of age.

The accolade, awarded by eprivateclient, a prestigious private client web site serving private client advisers,  is called the eprivateclient’s Top 35 Under 35 2014.

Prior to joining Meridian in July, Mr Gate was an Associate at London-based Russell Cooke LLP for almost five years after training at another City firm Withers LLP. He has a law degree from Cambridge University.

At Meridian, he advises clients (including business owners) on Wills, estate planning, powers of attorney, trusts and long-term tax planning. His clients include internationally mobile individuals.

Meridian Private Client LLP, which is based in Little Packington, near Solihull, advises on estate planning, long-term tax planning and trusts as well as on legal disputes involving both Wills and trusts.

The firm also provides specialist tax advice to internationally mobile clients who are living or working in the UK or who have significant connections here.

eprivateclient’s Top 35 Under 35 is designed to identify, recognise, introduce and promote the rising stars of the private client professions.

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