
Comic Relief record breaking Knitathon

February 4, 2011

Coventry University students are contributing to a world record breaking event in order to raise money for Comic Relief by participating in a ‘Knit-a-thon’.

The current world record for a knitathon stands at 937 and the rules are that they have to be knitting simultaneously for fifteen minutes. The organisers of the Coventry knitathon would like to beat that and achieve 1,000 participants and in order to do so, they are desperately in need of more people to take part.

The event will take place in Coventry Cathedral on Thursday, 17 March and begin at 5.30 pm.

With Comic Relief just over a month away, the students are eager to raise as much money as they can to donate to a worthy cause.

Head organiser of the fundraiser, Jan Malatesta, said:

“My friends and I like to get involved in fundraising events and we thought this year we would do something for Comic Relief, a well-known charity that everyone likes to get involved with.

“I had the initial idea whilst being ill with the flu over Christmas and I started to teach my daughter to knit, as such crafts seem to be making a comeback, and it grew from there. We want to have all ages there, and would really welcome university students’ support.”

Ellie Flude, 20, a Sociology and Criminology undergraduate, said:

“I definitely want to take part. It will give me chance to brush up on the old knitting club skills and I reckon we could break the record if we make it widely known. I think it would be a great opportunity to bring people together, to work as a team and share a record-breaking experience. Most importantly to raise a lot of money for people who need it more than we do.”

The charity knitting event is also being utilised as an enhancement to a degree course! Fine Art undergraduate, Stacey Goss, 21, added:

“I use knitting frequently throughout my degree so as an individual it is a very advantageous opportunity to practise. I also think that it will be very fun to get involved and a brilliant chance to help other people achieve their ambitions.”

Before taking part, individuals are asked to donate as little as £5 online at www.justgiving.com/cov-knitathon but ordinary donations from the public will also be much appreciated.

For more information about Coventry University, please visit their website here: www.coventry.ac.uk

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