
Can a Gym Membership Be a Business Expense?

July 20, 2024
gym membership business expense

Gym memberships are often a grey area when it comes to business expenses. For many, deducting gym membership fees from their taxes sounds appealing, but the reality is more complex. This article will explore when and how gym memberships can be considered business expenses, especially for a UK audience.

General Rule on Gym Memberships as Business Expenses

The IRS generally views gym memberships as personal expenses, which means they are not typically deductible as business expenses. The rationale behind this is straightforward: the benefits of maintaining general fitness and health are considered personal rather than business-related. As a result, gym memberships do not qualify for tax deductions​​for most individuals.

Specific Professions that Qualify

However, there are exceptions, particularly for certain professions where physical fitness is crucial for job performance. Personal trainers, athletes, actors, models, and fitness instructors may have a stronger case for claiming gym memberships as business expenses. For these professionals, maintaining optimal physical condition is directly related to their ability to perform their job duties effectively.

For instance, a personal trainer must stay fit to demonstrate exercises and maintain client credibility. Similarly, an actor preparing for a physically demanding role may require a gym membership to achieve the necessary fitness level. In these cases, the expense can be seen as directly related to their profession. However, it is essential to keep detailed documentation to substantiate the claim​.

Medical Necessity for Gym Memberships

In some cases, gym memberships can be considered deductible medical expenses. According to the IRS, if a physician prescribes a gym membership as part of a treatment plan for a diagnosed medical condition, such as obesity or hypertension, it may be considered a medical expense.

However, the membership itself is not deductible; only specific weight loss programs or activities prescribed by the doctor qualify. For example, if a doctor prescribes a weight loss program at a gym, the program’s cost may be deductible, but the general gym membership fee is not. It is crucial to have a clear and detailed prescription from the doctor to support this claim​.

Employer-Paid Gym Memberships

Employers sometimes offer gym memberships as part of their wellness programs. While this can significantly benefit employees, the tax implications must be carefully considered. Generally, these memberships are treated as fringe benefits and are included in the employee’s taxable income. This means that while the employer can deduct the cost of providing the membership, the employee must count it as income, which is subject to taxes.

However, if the employer provides an on-site fitness facility exclusively for employees, their spouses, and dependents, the cost may be deductible for the employer. This can also contribute to better employee health and reduced healthcare costs, offering additional benefits to the company​.

State Tax Incentives

Some states offer specific tax incentives for wellness programs, including gym memberships. For example, Indiana provides a Small Employer Qualified Wellness Program Tax Credit. This credit encourages small businesses to promote healthier lifestyles among employees and can cover up to 50% of the costs incurred for employee wellness programs. Such state-specific incentives can make gym membership more attractive and financially viable for employers​​.


While gym memberships are generally considered personal expenses, certain conditions and professions can justify their classification as business expenses. For specific professions, detailed documentation and adherence to IRS regulations are crucial. Employers can also benefit from offering gym memberships through tax deductions and improved employee health. Understanding these nuances and consulting with a tax professional can help individuals and businesses effectively navigate the complexities of claiming gym memberships as business expenses.

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