
Should I Tell My Boss I’m Pregnant at 6 Weeks?

July 19, 2024
Uk Pregnant work lady

Deciding when to tell your boss about your pregnancy is a personal choice influenced by various factors. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this decision, particularly if you’re considering informing your boss at just six weeks pregnant.

Legal Requirements

In the UK, you must inform your employer of your pregnancy by the 15th week before your due date. However, there needs to be a legal mandate to share the news as early as six weeks. Most women wait until the end of the first trimester (around 12 weeks) when the risk of miscarriage significantly decreases​​.

Health Considerations

Your health and feelings can play a significant role in this decision. If you’re experiencing severe morning sickness or other symptoms that might affect your work performance, it may be wise to inform your employer sooner rather than later​. This allows your employer to provide the necessary support and adjustments, such as flexible working hours or a less strenuous workload.

Workplace Environment

The culture and policies of your workplace are crucial factors. If you work in a supportive environment with clear maternity policies, you might feel more comfortable sharing your news early. Conversely, if you’re unsure how your employer might react, waiting until the end of the first trimester might be a better option. Assessing past reactions to similar news within your company can provide insights into the best approach.

Preparation and Planning

Preparing a tentative plan for your absence before the conversation is helpful. Consider how your responsibilities can be managed in your absence, and have a preliminary plan ready to discuss with your boss. This demonstrates responsibility and helps alleviate your boss’s concerns about your upcoming leave​.

Legal Protections Against Discrimination

Once your employer knows you’re pregnant, you’re protected under UK law against discrimination. This means you cannot be treated unfavourably because of your pregnancy. If you experience any adverse treatment, resources, including Maternity Action and the Equality Advisory Support Service​, are available to support you.

Making the Decision

Deciding whether to tell your boss at six weeks depends on personal comfort and the specifics of your situation. Here are some key considerations:

  1. How You’re Feeling: Severe morning sickness or fatigue might necessitate an earlier disclosure for practical reasons.
  2. Workplace Dynamics: A supportive, family-friendly work culture might encourage an earlier announcement.
  3. Project Timelines: If you have critical projects or deadlines, you might choose to wait until these are completed to avoid potential disruptions​​.


Ultimately, the decision of when to inform your boss about your pregnancy is personal. Weighing your health, workplace environment, and legal protections can guide you towards the best timing. Remember, you are entitled to a career and a family, and your workplace should support you through this critical life event. Discussing your plans early can help manage expectations and ensure a smooth transition. Additionally, early disclosure allows time to explore flexible working options that may benefit you during your pregnancy. Seek advice from HR if you’re uncertain, as they can provide guidance and support throughout this period.

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